Euphorbia (Stardust)

Stardust: 6.5 inch pot6.5" pot

6.5" pot
$ 8.99

Product Details

DescriptionBlooming TimeCommon NameFlower ColourHeightLightSoil MoistureSpreadZone

6.5" pot Stardust The many branches result in hundreds of flowers; they literally cover the plants. Great heat tolerance and wonderful growth habits.

6.5" potStardust Summer

6.5" potStardust Baby's Breath

6.5" potStardust White

6.5" potStardust 8" - 10" / 20cm - 25cm

6.5" potStardust Sun - Shade

6.5" potStardust Well drained

6.5" potStardust 8" - 10" / 20cm - 25cm

6.5" potStardust Annual
