Gooseberry (Hinnonmaki Red)

Hinnonmaki Red: 2 Gallon Pot2 Gallon Pot

2 Gallon Pot
$ 25.99

Product Details

DescriptionBlooming TimeHeightLightSoil MoistureSpreadZone

2 Gallon Pot Hinnonmaki Red Deep red, sweet fruit with tart skin grow on branches with small white blooms and green leaves that change to glossy, dark green before turning red in fall. Moderate growth rate. Deer and rabbit resistant. Attracts pollinators. Drought tolerant.

2 Gallon PotHinnonmaki Red Early - mid spring

2 Gallon PotHinnonmaki Red 3 ft

2 Gallon PotHinnonmaki Red Full sun - partial shade

2 Gallon PotHinnonmaki Red Moderate moisture

2 Gallon PotHinnonmaki Red 3 ft

2 Gallon PotHinnonmaki Red 4
