Beans (Provider Bush (Green))

Provider Bush (Green): Box (4 plants)Box (4 plants)

Box (4 plants)
$ 1.99
$1.83 when 12 or more similar products are purchased

Product Details

DescriptionFruit SizeLightMaturitySpread

Box (4 plants) Provider Bush (Green) Earliest Green Bean. Long, round pods hang in clusters near the base of the plant which make this variety easy to pick. Plant height about 18". Bush bean.

Box (4 plants)Provider Bush (Green) 5" - 5.5"

Box (4 plants)Provider Bush (Green) Sun

Box (4 plants)Provider Bush (Green) 45 - 55 days

Box (4 plants)Provider Bush (Green) 18" - 24"/45 cm - 60 cm
