Cabbage (Stonehead)

Stonehead: Box (4 plants)Box (4 plants)

Box (4 plants)
$ 1.99
$1.83 when 12 or more similar products are purchased

Product Details

DescriptionFruit SizeLightMaturitySpread

Box (4 plants) Stonehead Stonehead holds well in the garden without splitting, so there is no need to hurry the harvest. Head shape is round. Resistant to black rot.
60 - 70 days to maturity

Box (4 plants)Stonehead 3.5 lbs / 1.6 kg

Box (4 plants)Stonehead Sun

Box (4 plants)Stonehead 60 - 70 Days

Box (4 plants)Stonehead 18" - 24" / 45cm - 60cm
