Zinnia - Magellan (Cherry)

Cherry: 3.5 inch pot3.5" pot

3.5" pot
$ 3.49

Product Details

DescriptionBlooming TimeCommon NameFlower ColourHeightLightSoil MoistureSpreadZone

3.5" pot Cherry The best dwarf Zinnia ever grown, the Magellan series introduces bigger, more abundant full double blooms than ever before!

3.5" potCherry Summer

3.5" potCherry -

3.5" potCherry Cherry Red

3.5" potCherry 12" - 14" / 30cm - 35cm

3.5" potCherry Sun - part shade

3.5" potCherry Well drained

3.5" potCherry 10" - 12" / 25cm - 30cm

3.5" potCherry Annual
