Alstromeria - Peruvian Lily (Elaine)

Elaine: 6.5 inch pot6.5" pot
Elaine: 6.5 inch potElaine: 6.5 inch pot

6.5" pot
$ 14.99

Product Details

DescriptionBlooming TimeCommon NameFlower ColourHeightLightSoil MoistureSpreadZone

6.5" pot Elaine Compact mound of green foliage with large rosy-pink flowers from early spring to first frost.

6.5" potElaine Summer

6.5" potElaine Princess Lily

6.5" potElaine Pink

6.5" potElaine 10" - 12" / 25cm - 30cm

6.5" potElaine Sun - part shade

6.5" potElaine Well drained

6.5" potElaine 12" / 30cm

6.5" potElaine Annual
