Ivy (English)

English: 3.5 inch pot3.5" pot

3.5" pot
$ 3.49

Product Details

DescriptionBlooming TimeCommon NameFlower ColourHeightLightSoil MoistureSpreadZone

3.5" pot English Versatile ground cover commonly used to climb fences and walls. Can handle very light foot traffic. Great for sunny and shady locations.

3.5" potEnglish Fall

3.5" potEnglish English Ivy

3.5" potEnglish Insignificant

3.5" potEnglish 6" - 12" / 15cm - 30cm

3.5" potEnglish Indirect Light

3.5" potEnglish Well drained

3.5" potEnglish 12" / 30cm

3.5" potEnglish Annual
