Dusty Miller (Silver Dust)

Silver Dust: Box (4 plants)Box (4 plants)

Box (4 plants)
$ 1.99
$1.83 when 12 or more similar products are purchased

Product Details

DescriptionBlooming TimeCommon NameFlower ColourHeightLightSoil MoistureSpreadZone

Box (4 plants) Silver Dust Grown as an annual. Prune often to maintain shape. Grown for its attractive foliage which is durable and woolly.

Box (4 plants)Silver Dust Summer

Box (4 plants)Silver Dust -

Box (4 plants)Silver Dust Insignificant

Box (4 plants)Silver Dust 10" / 25cm

Box (4 plants)Silver Dust Sun - part shade

Box (4 plants)Silver Dust Dry

Box (4 plants)Silver Dust 8" / 20cm

Box (4 plants)Silver Dust Annual
