Spider Plant (Spider Plant)

Spider Plant: 3.5 inch pot3.5" pot

3.5" pot
$ 3.49

Product Details

DescriptionBlooming TimeCommon NameFlower ColourHeightLightSoil MoistureSpreadZone

3.5" pot Spider Plant Easy to grow and excellent for hanging baskets. Also a great house plant. Leaves will sunburn if grown in direct sunlight.

3.5" potSpider Plant Summer

3.5" potSpider Plant Spider Plant

3.5" potSpider Plant Insignificant

3.5" potSpider Plant 12" - 18" / 30cm - 45cm

3.5" potSpider Plant Indirect Light

3.5" potSpider Plant Moist

3.5" potSpider Plant 12" - 24" / 30cm - 60cm

3.5" potSpider Plant Annual
