Alternanthera (Choco Chili )
3.5" pot
3.5" pot
$ 3.49
Product Details
DescriptionBlooming TimeCommon NameFlower ColourHeightLightSoil MoistureSpreadZone
3.5" pot Choco Chili Stunning foliage all year round. It is nearly black-purple on top and a bright ruby on the bottom giving a multi dimensional look.
3.5" potChoco Chili Summer
3.5" potChoco Chili Joseph's Coat
3.5" potChoco Chili White
3.5" potChoco Chili 8" - 12" / 20cm - 30cm
3.5" potChoco Chili Sun - part shade
3.5" potChoco Chili Well drained
3.5" potChoco Chili 12" - 18" / 30cm - 45cm
3.5" potChoco Chili Annual
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