Begonia - Dragon Wing (Canary)

Canary: 6.5 inch pot6.5" pot

6.5" pot
$ 8.99

Product Details

DescriptionBlooming TimeCommon NameFlower ColourHeightLightSoil MoistureSpreadZone

6.5" pot Canary Canary Wings has bright foliage that changes from yellow to bright chartreuse throughout the season on a plant that continues to perform all summer long.

6.5" potCanary Summer

6.5" potCanary Canary Wing

6.5" potCanary Red

6.5" potCanary 12" - 15" / 30cm - 40cm

6.5" potCanary Shade - Part shade

6.5" potCanary Well drained

6.5" potCanary 12" - 15" / 30cm - 40cm

6.5" potCanary Annual
