Geranium (Brocade Fire)
6.5" pot
6.5" pot
$ 8.99
Product Details
DescriptionBlooming TimeCommon NameFlower ColourHeightLightSoil MoistureSpreadZone
6.5" pot Brocade Fire Unique bicolor foliage with a nonstop display of semi-double orange flowers that gives it an exceptional look in any garden.
6.5" potBrocade Fire Summer
6.5" potBrocade Fire Zonal Geranium
6.5" potBrocade Fire Orange
6.5" potBrocade Fire 15" / 40cm
6.5" potBrocade Fire Sun
6.5" potBrocade Fire Well Drained
6.5" potBrocade Fire 12" - 15" / 35cm - 40cm
6.5" potBrocade Fire Annual
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