Begonia - Rex (Jurassic Megalo Reptile)
6.5" pot
6.5" pot
$ 8.99
Product Details
DescriptionBlooming TimeCommon NameFlower ColourHeightLightSoil MoistureSpreadZone
6.5" pot Jurassic Megalo Reptile Colossal, care-free colour for shady spots. Striking foliage stands on its own and brings drama to mixed containers.
6.5" potJurassic Megalo Reptile Summer
6.5" potJurassic Megalo Reptile Rex Begonia
6.5" potJurassic Megalo Reptile Insignificant
6.5" potJurassic Megalo Reptile 14-16" / 36-41 cm
6.5" potJurassic Megalo Reptile Bright light
6.5" potJurassic Megalo Reptile Well drained
6.5" potJurassic Megalo Reptile 6-10" / 15-25 cm
6.5" potJurassic Megalo Reptile Annual
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