Pansy - Mammoth (On Fire)

On Fire: 6.5 inch pot6.5" pot

6.5" pot
$ 8.99


Product Details

DescriptionBlooming TimeFlower ColourHeightLightSoil MoistureSpreadZone

6.5" pot On Fire Delicate looking flowers often with a "face" come in an aray of colours that bloom in early spring then again in fall when the temperature cools down.

6.5" potOn Fire Spring - Fall

6.5" potOn Fire Red

6.5" potOn Fire 6" - 12" / 15cm - 30cm

6.5" potOn Fire Sun

6.5" potOn Fire Moist

6.5" potOn Fire 6" - 10" / 15cm - 25cm

6.5" potOn Fire 6 - 9
