Pansy - Cool Wave (Strawberry Swirl)

Strawberry Swirl: 6.5 inch pot6.5" pot
Strawberry Swirl: 6.5 inch potStrawberry Swirl: 11 inch HangerStrawberry Swirl: 12 inch HangerStrawberry Swirl: 12 inch PlanterStrawberry Swirl: 12 inch BowlStrawberry Swirl: Window Box (24 inch X 8 inch)

6.5" pot
$ 8.99

11" Hanger
$ 17.99
$17.00 when 3 or more similar products are purchased

12" Hanger
$ 24.99
$23.00 when 3 or more similar products are purchased

12" Planter
$ 24.99
$23.00 when 3 or more similar products are purchased

12" Bowl
$ 24.99
$23.00 when 3 or more similar products are purchased

Window Box (24" X 8")
$ 32.99


Product Details

DescriptionBlooming TimeFlower ColourHeightLightSoil MoistureSpreadZone

6.5" pot Strawberry Swirl Delicate looking flowers often with a "face" come in an aray of colours that bloom in early spring then again in fall when the temperature cools down.

11" Hanger Strawberry Swirl

12" Bowl Strawberry Swirl

6.5" potStrawberry Swirl Spring - Fall

6.5" potStrawberry Swirl Burgundy/Yellow

6.5" potStrawberry Swirl 6" - 12" / 15cm - 30cm

6.5" potStrawberry Swirl Sun

6.5" potStrawberry Swirl Moist

6.5" potStrawberry Swirl 6" - 10" / 15cm - 25cm

6.5" potStrawberry Swirl 6 - 9
