Sagina (Aurea)
4.5" (quart)
4.5" (quart)
$ 4.99
Product Details
DescriptionBlooming TimeCommon NameFlower ColourHeightLightSoil MoistureSpreadZone
4.5" (quart) Aurea Excellent for filling in between the cracks of flagstone paving, in the rock garden as a lawn substitute. Dislikes both drought and soggy wet soils.
4.5" (quart)Aurea Late spring, Early summer
4.5" (quart)Aurea Scotch Moss
4.5" (quart)Aurea White
4.5" (quart)Aurea 1" - 2" / 3cm - 5cm
4.5" (quart)Aurea Sun - part shade
4.5" (quart)Aurea Well drained
4.5" (quart)Aurea 8" / 20cm
4.5" (quart)Aurea 5 - 9
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