Ligularia (Britt-Marie Crawford)
5.5" pot
5.5" pot
$ 14.99
Product Details
DescriptionBlooming TimeCommon NameFlower ColourHeightLightSoil MoistureSpreadZone
5.5" pot Britt-Marie Crawford Forms a clump of large, rounded maroon-black leaves. Tall stems with bright golden orange daisy flowers.
5.5" potBritt-Marie Crawford July - September
5.5" potBritt-Marie Crawford Golden Ray
5.5" potBritt-Marie Crawford Yellow
5.5" potBritt-Marie Crawford 36" - 48" / 1m - 1.2m
5.5" potBritt-Marie Crawford Sun - part shade
5.5" potBritt-Marie Crawford Well drained
5.5" potBritt-Marie Crawford 24" - 36" / 60cm - 90cm
5.5" potBritt-Marie Crawford 3 - 8
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