Hosta (Neptune)
5.5" pot
5.5" pot
$ 19.99
Product Details
DescriptionBlooming TimeCommon NameFlower ColourHeightLightSoil MoistureSpreadZone
5.5" pot Neptune In spring, the heavily rippled, narrow wedge-shaped leaves are bright blue and as the season progresses, they turn more blue-green.
5.5" potNeptune Summer
5.5" potNeptune Plantain Lily
5.5" potNeptune Lavender
5.5" potNeptune 24" / 60cm
5.5" potNeptune Shade - Part shade
5.5" potNeptune Moist
5.5" potNeptune 47" / 120cm
5.5" potNeptune 3 - 9
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