Echinacea (Sombrero Adobe Orange)
5.5" pot
5.5" pot
$ 14.99
Product Details
DescriptionBlooming TimeCommon NameFlower ColourHeightLightSoil MoistureSpreadZone
5.5" pot Sombrero Adobe Orange The Sombrero series are well branched, compact and have a high bud count to give excellent color in late summer. Attracts butterflies.
5.5" potSombrero Adobe Orange June - August
5.5" potSombrero Adobe Orange Coneflower - Sombrero
5.5" potSombrero Adobe Orange Orange
5.5" potSombrero Adobe Orange 24" - 36" / 60cm - 90cm
5.5" potSombrero Adobe Orange Sun
5.5" potSombrero Adobe Orange Well drained
5.5" potSombrero Adobe Orange 18" - 22 / 45cm - 55cm
5.5" potSombrero Adobe Orange 4 - 9
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