Lilac (Belle de Nancy (French))

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2 Gallon Pot
$ 33.99

Product Details

DescriptionBlooming TimeCommon NameFlower ColourHeightLightSoil MoistureSpreadZone

2 Gallon Pot Belle de Nancy (French) Large, upright shrub bearing purplish-pink buds that open to long, clusterd panicles of fragrant double pink blooms in late spring.

2 Gallon PotBelle de Nancy (French) Spring

2 Gallon PotBelle de Nancy (French) -

2 Gallon PotBelle de Nancy (French) Pink

2 Gallon PotBelle de Nancy (French) 6' - 12' / 1.8m - 3.6m

2 Gallon PotBelle de Nancy (French) Sun

2 Gallon PotBelle de Nancy (French) Well drained

2 Gallon PotBelle de Nancy (French) 6' - 12' / 1.8m - 3.6m

2 Gallon PotBelle de Nancy (French) 5 - 9
