Lilac Tree (Ivory Silk)

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10 Gallon
$ 154.99

Product Details

DescriptionBlooming TimeFlower ColourHeightLightSoil MoistureSpreadZone

10 Gallon Ivory Silk A first rate accent tree adorned with showy plumes of fragrant creamy white flowers in the spring. Dark green foliage throughout the season.

Current plant height 6' / 200cm

10 GallonIvory Silk Spring

10 GallonIvory Silk White

10 GallonIvory Silk 20' / 6m

10 GallonIvory Silk Sun

10 GallonIvory Silk Well drained

10 GallonIvory Silk 14' / 4.2m

10 GallonIvory Silk 3 - 8
