Rhododendron (Ramapo)

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2 Gallon Pot
$ 46.99

Product Details

DescriptionBlooming TimeCommon NameFlower ColourHeightLightSoil MoistureSpreadZone

2 Gallon Pot Ramapo Spectacular clusters of showy blooms and large green leaves that often last through winter. All rhodos require acidic soil, mulching, and some shade.

2 Gallon PotRamapo Spring

2 Gallon PotRamapo -

2 Gallon PotRamapo Lavender

2 Gallon PotRamapo 2' - 8' / 60cm - 2.4m

2 Gallon PotRamapo Sun - Shade

2 Gallon PotRamapo Moist

2 Gallon PotRamapo 3' - 8' / 90cm - 2.4m

2 Gallon PotRamapo 4 - 9
