Weigela (Spilled Wine)

Spilled Wine: Proven Winner potProven Winner pot
Spilled Wine: Proven Winner potSpilled Wine: Proven Winner potSpilled Wine: Proven Winner pot

Proven Winner pot
$ 36.99

Product Details

DescriptionBlooming TimeCommon NameFlower ColourHeightLightSoil MoistureSpreadZone

Proven Winner pot Spilled Wine This smart little shrub looks like an exotic special, but actually it's easy to grow, very dependable, and super long blooming.

Proven Winner potSpilled Wine Spring

Proven Winner potSpilled Wine Weigela Florida

Proven Winner potSpilled Wine Pink

Proven Winner potSpilled Wine 18" - 24" / 45cm - 60cm

Proven Winner potSpilled Wine Sun

Proven Winner potSpilled Wine Well drained

Proven Winner potSpilled Wine 24" - 36" / 60cm - 90cm

Proven Winner potSpilled Wine 4 - 9
