Hydrangea (Tuff Stuff ah-HA)
2 Gallon Pot
2 Gallon Pot
$ 31.99
Product Details
DescriptionBlooming TimeCommon NameFlower ColourHeightLightSoil MoistureSpreadZone
2 Gallon Pot Tuff Stuff ah-HA One of the most prolific reblooming hydraneas. A constant supply of waterlily like double florets. Blooms pink or blue, depending on soil PH.
2 Gallon PotTuff Stuff ah-HA Summer
2 Gallon PotTuff Stuff ah-HA -
2 Gallon PotTuff Stuff ah-HA Blue or Pink
2 Gallon PotTuff Stuff ah-HA 2' - 3' / 0.6m - 0.9m
2 Gallon PotTuff Stuff ah-HA Part sun
2 Gallon PotTuff Stuff ah-HA Moist
2 Gallon PotTuff Stuff ah-HA 2' - 3' / 0.6m - 0.9m
2 Gallon PotTuff Stuff ah-HA 5 - 9
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