Daphne (Carol Mackie)
7 Gallon Pot
7 Gallon Pot
$ 63.99
Product Details
DescriptionBlooming TimeCommon NameFlower ColourHeightLightSoil MoistureSpreadZone
7 Gallon Pot Carol Mackie A mounding shrub with green leaves edged with creamy white. Fragrant pink flowers in May.
7 Gallon PotCarol Mackie May
7 Gallon PotCarol Mackie -
7 Gallon PotCarol Mackie Pink
7 Gallon PotCarol Mackie 2' - 3' / 0.6m - 0.9m
7 Gallon PotCarol Mackie Sun - part shade
7 Gallon PotCarol Mackie Well drained
7 Gallon PotCarol Mackie 2.5' - 3' / 76cm - 90cm
7 Gallon PotCarol Mackie 3 - 9
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