Hydrangea Standard (Limelight)

Limelight: StandardStandard
Limelight: StandardLimelight: StandardLimelight: Standard

$ 135.99

Product Details

DescriptionBlooming TimeFlower ColourHeightLightSoil MoistureSpreadZone

Standard Limelight Large, football-shaped flowers open in the spring in a green colour that ages to pink, red, and burgundy in the fall. Long blooming, Fall interest, drought tolerant.

StandardLimelight Sumer - Fall

StandardLimelight Green

StandardLimelight 72" - 96" - 1.8m - 2.4m

StandardLimelight Part sun - sun

StandardLimelight Moist

StandardLimelight 72" - 96" - 1.8m - 2.4m

StandardLimelight 3-9
