Spruce (Bird's Nest)

Bird's Nest: 3 Gallon Pot3 Gallon Pot

3 Gallon Pot
$ 45.99

Product Details

DescriptionBlooming TimeCommon NameFlower ColourHeightLightSoil MoistureSpreadZone

3 Gallon Pot Bird's Nest Spreading, dense, broad evergreen. Over time develops a depression in the center and resembles a bird's nest.

Current plant height 12"/30cm

3 Gallon PotBird's Nest Spring

3 Gallon PotBird's Nest -

3 Gallon PotBird's Nest N/A

3 Gallon PotBird's Nest 1' - 2' / 30cm - 60cm

3 Gallon PotBird's Nest Sun - part shade

3 Gallon PotBird's Nest Well drained

3 Gallon PotBird's Nest 3' - 6' / 90cm - 3.6m

3 Gallon PotBird's Nest 2B - 7A
