Hydrangea (Tuff Stuff)

Tuff Stuff: 2 Gallon Pot2 Gallon Pot
Tuff Stuff: 2 Gallon PotTuff Stuff: 2 Gallon Pot

2 Gallon Pot
$ 31.99

Product Details

DescriptionBlooming TimeCommon NameFlower ColourHeightLightSoil MoistureSpreadZone

2 Gallon Pot Tuff Stuff The sturdy lacecap blooms will be bright pink or deep purple-blue, depending on your soil PH. Rebloomer.

2 Gallon PotTuff Stuff Summer

2 Gallon PotTuff Stuff -

2 Gallon PotTuff Stuff Pink or Purple

2 Gallon PotTuff Stuff 2' - 3' / 0.6m - 0.9m

2 Gallon PotTuff Stuff Part sun

2 Gallon PotTuff Stuff Moist

2 Gallon PotTuff Stuff 2' - 3' / 0.6m - 0.9m

2 Gallon PotTuff Stuff 5 - 9
