Beautyberry (Pearl Glam PW)

Pearl Glam PW: 2 Gallon Pot2 Gallon Pot
Pearl Glam PW: 2 Gallon PotPearl Glam PW: 2 Gallon PotPearl Glam PW: 2 Gallon Pot

2 Gallon Pot
$ 29.99

Product Details

DescriptionBlooming TimeFlower ColourHeightLightSoil MoistureSpreadZone

2 Gallon Pot Pearl Glam PW Pearl Glam is showy starting in spring, with dark purple foliage from spring to frost. Late summer brings white flowers that yield violet-purple berries by the hundreds in fall. Upright, space-saving habit.

2 Gallon PotPearl Glam PW Summer - Fall

2 Gallon PotPearl Glam PW White with Purple foliage

2 Gallon PotPearl Glam PW 48" - 60" - 1.2m - 1.5m

2 Gallon PotPearl Glam PW Sun

2 Gallon PotPearl Glam PW Well drained

2 Gallon PotPearl Glam PW 36" - 48" - 91cm - 1.2m

2 Gallon PotPearl Glam PW 5-9
