Vegetables / Fruits
A delicious plant whose fruit, seeds, roots, tubers, bulbs, stems, leaves, or flower parts are used as food.
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Out of StockActinidiaKiwi Vine - Issai$23.992 Gallon
Out of StockAsparagusJersey Giant$13.991 Gallon Pot
Out of StockBeansBlue Lake Pole (Green)$1.99Box (4 plants)
Out of StockBeansGold Rush (Yellow)$1.99Box (4 plants)
Out of StockBeansProvider Bush (Green)$1.99Box (4 plants)
Out of StockBeansGreen / Yellow Mix$16.99Window Box (24" X 8")
Out of StockBeetsBull's Blood$1.593" pot
Out of StockBlackberryBlack Satin$24.992 Gallon Pot
Out of StockBlackberryTriple Crown$24.992 Gallon Pot
Out of StockBlueberryBlue Crop$25.992 Gallon Pot
Out of StockBlueberryBlue Jay$25.992 Gallon Pot
Out of StockBlueberryNorthblue$25.992 Gallon Pot
Out of StockBlueberryRazz$25.992 Gallon Pot
Out of StockBlueberrySaint Cloud$25.992 Gallon Pot
Out of StockBrocolliGreen Magic$1.99Box (4 plants)
Out of StockBrussel SproutsJade Cross$1.593" pot
Out of StockCabbageStonehead$1.99Box (4 plants)
Out of StockCarrotsGold Finger$1.99Box (4 plants)
Out of StockCauliflowerSnow Crown$1.99Box (4 plants)
Out of StockCeleryRoot$1.99Box (4 plants)
Out of StockCeleryUtah$1.99Box (4 plants)
Out of StockCherryJan$35.992 Gallon Pot
Out of StockCherryJuliet$35.992 Gallon Pot
Out of StockCornTemptation Bicolour$1.99Box (4 plants)
Out of StockCucumberBush Pickle (Pickling)$1.593" pot
Out of StockCucumberEnglish Telegraph$1.593" pot
Out of StockCucumberMarket More (Slicing)$1.593" pot
Out of StockCucumberBush Champion$3.594.5" Burpee Pot
Out of StockCucumberHomemade Pickles$3.594.5" Burpee Pot
Out of StockCucumberTasty Green$3.594.5" Burpee Pot
Out of StockCucumberPeticue$16.9912" Pot with Cage
Out of StockCurrantConsort$25.992 Gallon Pot
Out of StockCurrantRed Lake$25.992 Gallon Pot
Out of StockEggplantClassic$1.593" pot
Out of StockEggplantMeatball$3.594.5" Burpee Pot
Out of StockEggplantPatio Baby$16.9912" Pot with Cage
Out of StockGooseberryHinnonmaki Red$25.992 Gallon Pot
Out of StockHoney Berry - LoniceraBorealis$25.992 Gallon Pot
Out of StockKaleWinterbor$1.593" pot
Out of StockKalePrizm$3.594.5" Burpee Pot
Out of StockKholrabiWinner$1.99Box (4 plants)
Out of StockLeekAmerican Flag$1.99Box (4 plants)
Out of StockLettuceGrand Rapids (Leaf)$1.99Box (4 plants)
Out of StockLettuceMesclun Mix$1.99Box (4 plants)
Out of StockLettuceRed Salad Bowl (Ruby)$1.99Box (4 plants)
Out of StockLettuceValley Heart (Romaine)$1.99Box (4 plants)
Out of StockLettuceAlfresco Mix$13.9912" Bowl
Out of StockLettuceCity Garden Mix$13.9912" Bowl
Out of StockLettuceSummer Picnic$13.9912" Bowl
Out of StockLettuceSunshine Mix$16.9914" Bowl
Out of StockMelonSugar Cube$3.594.5" Burpee Pot
Out of StockOnionsGreen Banner (Bunching)$1.99Box (4 plants)
Out of StockOnionsRed Ring (Ruby)$1.99Box (4 plants)
Out of StockOnionsYellow Sweet (Spanish)$1.99Box (4 plants)
Out of StockParsleyCurled$1.99Box (4 plants)
Out of StockParsleyPlain Italian$1.99Box (4 plants)
Out of StockPeaLittle Sweetie (Snow Pea)$1.593" pot
Out of StockPeaSugarsnap (Sugar Pea)$1.593" pot
Out of StockPepperCalifornia Wonder Golden$1.59 - $1.993" pot, Box (4 plants)
Out of StockPepperCalifornia Wonder$1.59 - $1.993" pot, Box (4 plants)
Out of StockPepperHabanero$1.593" pot
Out of StockPepperHot Banana$1.593" pot
Out of StockPepperJalapeno$1.59 - $1.993" pot, Box (4 plants)
Out of StockPepperLong Red Slim Cayenne$1.593" pot
Out of StockPepperOrange Blaze$1.593" pot
Out of StockPepperRed Knight$1.593" pot
Out of StockPepperScotch Bonnet Yellow$1.593" pot
Out of StockPepperSuper Shepherd$1.59 - $1.993" pot, Box (4 plants)
Out of StockPepperSweet Banana$1.593" pot
Out of StockPepperBig Bertha$3.594.5" Burpee Pot
Out of StockPepperHungarian Hot Wax$3.594.5" Burpee Pot
Out of StockPepperJalapeno - Sweet Poppers$3.594.5" Burpee Pot
Out of StockPepperJalapeno Gigante$3.594.5" Burpee Pot
Out of StockPepperSriracha$3.594.5" Burpee Pot
Out of StockPepperSweet Heat$3.594.5" Burpee Pot
Out of StockPepperTabasco$3.594.5" Burpee Pot
Out of StockPepperMardi Gras Fun$16.9912" Pot with Cage
Out of StockPepperTricolour - Hot$16.9911.5" pot
Out of StockPepperTricolour - Sweet$16.9911.5" pot
Out of StockPumpkinHowden$1.593" pot
Out of StockRadishChampion$1.99Box (4 plants)
Out of StockRaspberryBoyne$24.992 Gallon Pot
Out of StockRaspberryHeritage$24.992 Gallon Pot
Out of StockRaspberryKillarney$24.992 Gallon Pot
Out of StockRhubarbVictoria$17.992 Gallon Pot
Out of StockSpinachCountryside$1.593" pot
Out of StockSquashVegetable Spaghetti$1.593" pot
Out of StockSquashWalthum Butternut$1.593" pot
Out of StockStrawberryAlbion - Everbearing$8.995.5" pot
Out of StockStrawberryKent - Summer bearing$8.995.5" pot
Out of StockStrawberryDelizz$19.9911" Hanger
Out of StockStrawberrySummer Breeze Rose$19.9911" Hanger
Out of StockStrawberrySummer Breeze Snow$19.9911" Hanger
Out of StockSwiss chardBright Lights$1.593" pot
Out of StockSwiss chardSilverado$1.593" pot
Out of StockTomatoCarolina Gold$1.593" pot
Out of StockTomatoSun Sugar (Yellow)$1.593" pot
Out of StockTomatoSan Marzano$1.99Box (4 plants)
Out of StockTomatoBrandywine Red$3.594.5" Burpee Pot
Out of StockTomatoCherry Punch$3.594.5" Burpee Pot
Out of StockTomatoFantastico$3.594.5" Burpee Pot
Out of StockTomatoFourth Of July$3.594.5" Burpee Pot
Out of StockTomatoJerseyboy$3.594.5" Burpee Pot
Out of StockTomatoMortgage Lifter$3.594.5" Burpee Pot
Out of StockTomatoNapa Grape Hybrid$3.594.5" Burpee Pot
Out of StockTomatoPower Pop$3.594.5" Burpee Pot
Out of StockTomatoSteak Sandwich Hybrid$3.594.5" Burpee Pot
Out of StockTomatoSunrise Bumblebee$3.594.5" Burpee Pot
Out of StockTomatoBetter Boy$1.59 - $9.993" pot, Box (4 plants), 2 Gallon Pot
Out of StockTomatoBig Beef$1.59 - $9.993" pot, Box (4 plants), 2 Gallon Pot
Out of StockTomatoBush Beefsteak$1.59 - $9.993" pot, Box (4 plants), 2 Gallon Pot
Out of StockTomatoEarly Girl$1.59 - $9.993" pot, Box (4 plants), 2 Gallon Pot
Out of StockTomatoSuper Sweet 100 - Cherry Tomato$1.59 - $9.993" pot, Box (4 plants), 2 Gallon Pot
Out of StockTomatoSweet Million - Cherry Tomato$1.59 - $9.993" pot, Box (4 plants), 2 Gallon Pot
Out of StockTomatoTumblin' Tom Red$17.9911" Hanger
Out of StockWatermelonCrimson Sweet$1.593" pot
Out of StockZuchinniBall's Zuchinni$1.593" pot
Out of StockZuchinniGolden$3.594.5" Burpee Pot
Out of StockZuchinniSmooth pickin'$3.594.5" Burpee Pot
Out of StockZuchinniSpineless Perfection$16.9912" Pot with Cage