Rhododendron (Dark Lord)

2 Gallon Pot
$ 46.99
Product Details
DescriptionBlooming TimeFlower ColourHeightLightSoil MoistureSpreadZone
2 Gallon Pot Dark Lord Dark flower buds open to reveal stunning rich merlot blooms on deep green leathery evergreen foliage, which remains attractive into the fall. Fast growth rate. Attracts pollinators.
2 Gallon PotDark Lord Late spring
2 Gallon PotDark Lord Dark red
2 Gallon PotDark Lord 5-8 ft
2 Gallon PotDark Lord Part shade
2 Gallon PotDark Lord Moderate moisture
2 Gallon PotDark Lord 5-8 ft
2 Gallon PotDark Lord 5