Potentilla (Happy Face Yellow)

2 Gallon Pot
$ 29.99
Product Details
DescriptionBlooming TimeCommon NameFlower ColourHeightLightSoil MoistureSpreadZone
2 Gallon Pot Happy Face Yellow Extra large bright yellow flowers. Blooming non-stop from spring to frost, this plant needs little maintenance and is highly deer resistant.
2 Gallon PotHappy Face Yellow Spring - Summer
2 Gallon PotHappy Face Yellow -
2 Gallon PotHappy Face Yellow Yellow
2 Gallon PotHappy Face Yellow 2' - 3' / 60cm - 72cm
2 Gallon PotHappy Face Yellow Sun - part shade
2 Gallon PotHappy Face Yellow Well drained
2 Gallon PotHappy Face Yellow 2' - 3' / 60cm - 72cm
2 Gallon PotHappy Face Yellow 2 - 7