Hibiscus (Rose of Sharon) (Pink Chiffon - Standard)

7 Gallon Pot
$ 113.99
Product Details
DescriptionBlooming TimeCommon NameFlower ColourHeightLightSoil MoistureSpreadZone
7 Gallon Pot Pink Chiffon - Standard Easy to grow, this shrub boasts large, soft pink flowers and a low seed set.
7 Gallon PotPink Chiffon - Standard Summer
7 Gallon PotPink Chiffon - Standard Rose of Sharon
7 Gallon PotPink Chiffon - Standard Pink
7 Gallon PotPink Chiffon - Standard 8' - 12' / 2.4m - 3.7m
7 Gallon PotPink Chiffon - Standard Sun
7 Gallon PotPink Chiffon - Standard Well drained
7 Gallon PotPink Chiffon - Standard 4' - 6' / 1.2m - 1.8m
7 Gallon PotPink Chiffon - Standard 5 - 9