Summer Sweet (Vanilla Spice)

3 Gallon Pot
$ 34.99
Product Details
DescriptionBlooming TimeCommon NameFlower ColourHeightLightSoil MoistureSpreadZone
3 Gallon Pot Vanilla Spice Enjoy extra large flowers and a spicy sweet fragrance during the summer.
3 Gallon PotVanilla Spice Summer
3 Gallon PotVanilla Spice -
3 Gallon PotVanilla Spice White
3 Gallon PotVanilla Spice 3' - 6' / 1m - 1.8m
3 Gallon PotVanilla Spice Sun - part shade
3 Gallon PotVanilla Spice Moist
3 Gallon PotVanilla Spice 3' - 5' / 90cm - 1.5m
3 Gallon PotVanilla Spice 4 - 9