Weigela (Variegated)

3 Gallon Pot
$ 26.99
Product Details
DescriptionBlooming TimeCommon NameFlower ColourHeightLightSoil MoistureSpreadZone
3 Gallon Pot Variegated Nicely variegated green and whitish yellow foliage with gentle pink profuse blooms. Makes for a nice accent plant.
3 Gallon PotVariegated Spring
3 Gallon PotVariegated Weigela Florida
3 Gallon PotVariegated Pink
3 Gallon PotVariegated 6' / 1.8m
3 Gallon PotVariegated Sun
3 Gallon PotVariegated Moist
3 Gallon PotVariegated 6' / 1.8m
3 Gallon PotVariegated 4 - 9