Hydrangea (Wee Bit Grumpy PW)

2 Gallon Pot
$ 31.99
Product Details
DescriptionBlooming TimeFlower ColourHeightLightSoil MoistureSpreadZone
2 Gallon Pot Wee Bit Grumpy PW Big, full blooms display a deep, moody color. Can be pink or purplish-blue depending on the pH of the soil. Excellent performance in the landscape. Dark green glossy foliage.
Long blooming and salt tolerant.
2 Gallon PotWee Bit Grumpy PW Summer
2 Gallon PotWee Bit Grumpy PW Blue to Purple and Red
2 Gallon PotWee Bit Grumpy PW 2'
2 Gallon PotWee Bit Grumpy PW Part sun - sun
2 Gallon PotWee Bit Grumpy PW Moist
2 Gallon PotWee Bit Grumpy PW 2' 6"
2 Gallon PotWee Bit Grumpy PW 4-9