Kalanchoe (Yellow)

Yellow: 4 inch pot4" pot
Yellow: 4 inch potYellow: 4 inch potYellow: 4 inch potYellow: 6 inch pot

4" pot
$ 4.49

6" pot
$ 8.99

Product Details

DescriptionBlooming TimeFlower ColourHeightLightSoil MoistureSpreadZone

4" pot Yellow Attractive heads of small flowers of red, yellow, orange or pink. A standard indoor plant whose flowers can last 6-8 weeks.

4" potYellow Summer

4" potYellow Yellow

4" potYellow 6" - 12" / 15cm - 30cm

4" potYellow Part shade

4" potYellow Moist

4" potYellow 6" - 12" / 15cm - 30cm

4" potYellow Annual
